How do I fix a broken Google link?


How do I fix a broken Google link?

How do I fix a broken Google link? Have you ever come across a broken link while browsing the web? It can be frustrating to click on a link only to be redirected to an error page. Google, being one of the largest search engines on the web, has its fair share of broken links. But fear not, there are ways to fix a broken Google link. In this article, we’ll explore the different methods you can use to fix a broken Google link.

How do I fix a broken Google link?

What is a broken Google link?

Before we dive into the methods of fixing a broken Google link, let’s define what a broken link is. A broken link is a hyperlink that doesn’t lead to the intended page, resulting in an error message. This can happen for various reasons, such as the page being deleted, or moved, or the URL is incorrect.

When it comes to Google, a broken link is a search result that doesn’t lead to a functional page. This can happen for several reasons, including the page being removed from the website, the website is down, or the URL is incorrect. It impacts on SEO of your website.

Now that we’ve defined what a broken Google link is let’s explore the different methods you can use to fix it.

Method 1: Use Google Cache

One way to access a broken Google link is to use Google Cache. Google Cache is a copy of a webpage that Google stores when it crawls and indexes a website. This is useful when the original webpage is unavailable or has been deleted.

To access Google Cache, follow these steps:

Copy the URL of the broken Google link.

Go to

Paste the URL into the search bar and press Enter.

Click on the arrow next to the URL and select “Cached.”

This will take you to the cached version of the webpage. Keep in mind that the cached version may not be up-to-date, but it’s better than not being able to access the page at all.

Method 2: Use the Wayback Machine

The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the internet. It stores snapshots of websites at different points in time, allowing users to access older versions of a webpage. This can be helpful when a webpage has been deleted or is no longer available.

To use the Wayback Machine, follow these steps:

Go to

Paste the URL of the broken Google link into the search bar.

Select a date from the calendar on the right-hand side of the screen.

Click on the blue circle to access the archived version of the webpage.

Method 3: Contact the Website Owner

If you’ve tried the first two methods and still can’t access the webpage, it’s time to contact the website owner. They may not be aware of the broken link, and it’s helpful to let them know so they can fix it.

To contact the website owner, follow these steps:

Go to the homepage of the website.

Look for a “Contact Us” or “Support” link.

Click on the link and follow the instructions to send a message to the website owner.

In your message, be sure to include the URL of the broken link and a brief explanation of the issue. The website owner may take some time to respond, but it’s worth a try to get the link fixed.

In conclusion, a broken Google link can be frustrating, but there are ways to fix it. By using Google Cache, the Wayback Machine, or contacting the website owner, you can access the webpage you’re looking for. Keep in mind that these methods may not always work, but they’re worth a try. Happy browsing!

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